15 Minutes to Live

On the Queen Mary voyage to the UK 2016

The time I kill is killing me.“ ~ Mason Cooley

It was going to be a quick run in the museum shop to get a gift, but when I got to the door, I found out there was a 15 minute wait until it opened. I immediately thought, ‘I have 15 minutes to kill.’ and reached for my cell phone. Dang! Left it in the car. 

I could move my body by walking around the plaza, but my cute-heeled boots weren’t conducive for that kind of walking. 

I could strike up a conversation with one of the other people waiting, but wasn’t feeling like forced conversation. 

As I continued to explore my time options, it came to me that ‘killing time’ is a pretty dumb thing to say and do. Why not LIVE time instead? In 15 minutes, you can…

make out with your honey…

have a great conversation with your friend OR a stranger…

listen to a TED talk…

get fifteen minutes further in that book you want to finish…

purge some clothes to donate…

dance break!…

play with a child…

write a thank you note…


coffee/tea time…

choose your next vacay location…

make a gratitude list…

make a list of (YOUR) accomplishments (tremendously affirming!)…

write the outline for that book in your head…


And what did I do to LIVE my 15 minutes of museum opening wait time? I mentally scribed this blog. 

Addendum: Subsequent to creating this blog post, I saw the horribly sad news of the deaths of basketball great, Kobe Bryant, his daughter and the three other people. I pray their last 15 minutes were happy.

We. Do. Not. Have. Time. To. Kill. 

LIVE with life-affirming intention, everyday!

P.S. Another great way to spend (a little over) 15 minutes: Listen to the Midlife Woman Redefined podcast here. THE FINAL (for now!) EPISODE is about worry and fail and drops Wednesday!!
P.P.S. And if you’re ready to jumpstart that life-affirming living, click here to see the work-with-me options. I’m only taking the Brave and the Bold who MUST get to their Better!