Whether you’re coming to the end of your Thanksgiving celebration or a regular weekend, I hope it’s been wonderful!
Some of you may find the holidays challenging. They have been for me the past several years because of ‘the empty chair’. Here’s how I flipped my script. Maybe it will help you flip yours.

After my mom’s death several years ago, my holiday cheer was replaced with a pissy mode from November to January. I wanted this holiday season to be different. Surprising people is one of my jams and “The 12 Days of Thanksgiving” editions of my newsletter provided the perfect opportunity for me to do just that. To keep it going, I’ve been calling (instead of texting) my friends to verbally express my Thanksgiving greetings and sharing the specific reasons I’m grateful for their friendship. I arrived at my family home carrying my mom’s purse and was gratefully present with the family I’ve been blessed to be a part of, while holding mom’s memory. If you’re grieving an “empty chair” or dealing with other holiday drama, change your focus. It works! Set boundaries that honor that focus. Be X-tra good to yourself!
Here’s some inspiration for keepin’ your body moving through the holiday/winter months from my friend and client, Delores Simmons. I need all the help I can get! LOL!! Follow her Facebook page for Dee’s ‘Maintain Not Gain’ Holiday Fitness Challenge. Her videos are short, on point and I LOVE seeing clients make those moves to design their life around their passion. YAY, Delores!!
Do you want to set goals you’ll rock instead of resolutions you’ll drop? If so, join me for the “On The Way To What You Want: A Desire Map Retreat”, January 25-28 in beautiful St. Petersburg, FL. It’s limited to TEN SPOTS to provide an intimate gathering experience and time for one-to-one coaching that ensures you leave with your “Be-About-It” plan for 2018. One post-retreat coaching session is included. Act now and you’ll get 3 Post Retreat Coaching Sessions! To qualify for this Holiday Special, simply pay the $500 deposit by Wednesday, 11/30/17 and the balance by 1/19/18. Click here for Desire Map Retreat Details.
Retreat. Relax. Rewire. YESSSSSSSSS!!
Let That S%#t Go!
Confused about why you don’t have that life you say you want, but can’t quite figure out what to do? You ABSOLUTELY want to check out, Let That S%#t Go!, my 5-week custom teleclass that helps you determine WHAT you want, WHY you don’t have it and HOW to get it. This signature offering is a culmination of observing and tracking the roads traveled and roadblocks my clients (and me) have overcome to make successful life change. See details here. Space is limited to 15 spots and you’re getting first notice before I advertise wide. Don’t miss my Cyber Week registration special!
Click for details about my Let That S%#t Go! Program
I don’t judge how people spend their $$. That’s your business. I do have a question, though, as you consider all the spending options being thrown at you: If you truly want to be living differently this time next year than you are now, aren’t you worth investing in yourself to make it happen? Be intentional.
Enjoy your week, Ladies!