Listen, Defy, Do

Hello Beautiful!

Ohhhh, This quote!  I’ve defied logic a few times in my life (ok, maybe more than a few!) and sometimes  admittedly could have benefited from relying on a little more logic instead of defying it. LOL! Mostly though, I was defying limiting beliefs and expectations.

What I know for sure:


Following my instinct…my first right mind, or what I now refer to as my Spiritual GPS…Is my go-to practice for landing where I want to be. The mistakes on the journey were (are!) educational detours that taught (teach!) me how to recognize  ‘getting in my own way’ patterns and how to Let That S%#t Go!

I learned how to do that for myself and I show clients how they can do it to FINALLY  get what they crave: work they love, flipping  soul-draining relationships to soul-sustaining, starting that passion project, more Me Time, or ______.

If this quote resonates with you, don’t ignore it. Schedule a strategy call with me and let’s talk about what you can DO.

And don’t forget…Desire Mapping starts January 13th . Click here for details,
