Becoming: the idea that each of us is perpetually changing, that our selves are ever evolving, not stopping at some set point — with the implication that we can always become better. (Michelle Obama)
Brilliant: a diamond or other gemstone cut in a particular form with numerous facets so as to have exceptional brilliance… the cutting and polishing of a diamond crystal always results in a dramatic loss of weight; rarely is it less than 50%. (Wikipedia)
I recently had a conversation with a woman who’s been retired for a year and is floundering. She went from a long, successful career to caretaking to being at a loss now of what to do with herself. She said, ‘You’re advised to get a financial plan for retired life, but not a life plan.’ She was used to having a structure (work, caretaking) and didn’t know how to create a new one that’s internally motivated instead externally obligated.
Oh mylanta! This is so familiar and so different. After I retired, I was in burnout recovery mode, determined to never ‘work’ again. When people kept calling me for coaching, I followed through on an old desire to go through O Magazine’s life coach extraordinaire, Dr. Martha Beck’s life coaching school. I had no intention to start a business. I was keeping my skills up for ?? This is what unconsciously following your inner compass looks like. In the midst of that 9-month certification, I got a business license. A few years after receiving more coaching, I got clarity on my purpose and legacy:
helping women take intentional action in their post-retirement chapter to truly live their best life.
If you’ve been following this blog, you know I’ve been on a mini-break to become even better at serving you AND living my best life. Stepping back to move forward and…
It’s On and Poppin!
Everything ain’t for everybody. (Jill Scott)
Sooooo… in June, cReneCoach is bringing you new opportunities to drop your shxt (mental, physical, and emotional weight) and walk into YOUR Exceptional Brilliance! Becoming the YOU it’s time for you to become. Now.
If you’re scare-cited about that, that’s a great sign! If you’re just scared, then what I’m serving may not be for you. The women I serve take action through fear, invest in their change with time and/or dollars, and have a soul-deep craving to live that best life because…
“…the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” (Anais Nin) Those women!
#LetThatShxtGo! #ItsYourTime #MidlifeManifest
P.S. I want to hear from you! Respond to this email on what you need to get about living that life you’ve been craving!
- I’m doing free mini-sessions on practical ways to rewire your life. How to choose better thoughts that fuel better actions. How to let negative emotions work for you instead of against you. How to incorporate pleasure as a daily practice. Tell me topics you’d like addressed by sending me an email.
- Mark Your Calendars for the 4-Day Take The Trip Challenge, June 11-14th, 11:30am – 12:00pm CST: Kick off your summer Getting Unstuck and Moving FORWARD! Clear Emotional and Mental crap. Take life-enhancing local excursions. Plan that BIG trip you’ve been dreaming about. There will be: Fun. Prizes. Change. Yasss!!
- Two opportunities to travel your way to your change:
NYC September 12-15 …The Big Bite of The Apple and Portugal September 16-20… The Midlife Manifest Retreat; only 8 spots available for each trip. Full details coming in June. Put your name on the first dibs list by sending me an email.