Hello Mavens!

Once again, I almost let F.E.A.R. (false evidence appearing real) shut me down and sabotage my ability to grow my business. What tripped me up? I sent a request to be a guest on another podcaster‘s show who talks about midlife to get more exposure for my podcast. That didn’t scare me. She would either say yes or no.
What she said was: “Instead of your coming on my show, I will be a guest on your show and promote it to my audience.” THAT freaked me out and my inner mean girl (I call her EgoR for Ego René) started yapping.
You haven’t interviewed anybody! She’ll see what an amateur you are and cancel. She’s got a huge audience and you’re going to make a fool of yourself. Yada Yada Yada
What was actually true?
I was a recruiter and manager in my previous life and have years of interviewing experience. My zone of genius is coaching people through getting the change they want and I do that through asking intuitive questions in conversations. Hellooooo!!Thanks
This is what we do. We let Ego take over and take us out…sabotage us from moving forward and Getting What We Want. And this is the shxt we need to let go!
My coaching is grounded in mindset work because I know from personal and client experience that Getting Your Mind right is the only path to desired change that last. The first 20+ episodes of the Midlife Woman Redefined Podcast all focus on mindset work. Once the End Like You Want to Begin series is completed in a few weeks, the show will be focused on women who are living the Bolder, Braver, Better life! We experience F.E.A.R., but we don’t let it keep us Living Our Best Lives in all the messy gloriousness that comes from rising above surviving to THRIVING.
I did do the interview…after sitting in F.E.A.R. for almost a month! And my first podcast guest, Mary Rogers, host of the Experience50 podcast was Fantabulous! Check out her wonderful podcast here. I had krazy tech issues, a freak storm that knocked out my power causing us to have to reschedule and through it all, she hung with me to get it done. And she didn’t know me from Eve! Get yourself subscribed to the podcast to hear this interview and the End Like You Want to Begin series.

I LOVE this graphic AND I’m here for the Take Action Mavens who are READY and who will Do The Work to Level UP in the new decade that kicks off in 2020. I’ve got a list of Fear-less women who will be sharing their How I Do It stories. I’m doing a Black Women In Love series that ALL women will want to hear and I’ll be covering all things how to live Braver, Bolder, and Better!
Subscribe, Buckle Up, and let’s FLY!!

P.S. The Mary Rogers interview airs Wednesday. If you’re not subscribed to Midlife Woman Redefined, stop right now and fix that here! Podcasts are a free, enlightening opportunity to learn, laugh, cry, and grow, .