On the evening of October 4th 2012, my mom and I had two brief conversations. The next morning, she died from a pulmonary embolism. Her death was unexpected and unbelievably shocking. My family…her friends…we were all devastated. I truly wanted to die with her. Couldn’t imagine being in this world without my earthly guiding light.
As we go through this pandemic, I’m reminded of how much her death consumed me, consumed my life. It was a personal life-demic. My divorce (the prior painful life-changing event) paled in comparison. When people would say good morning, I was taken aback. My mom is dead…NOTHING is good about this morning! Eventually, I adapted to a new reality, forever changed and wanting my life to honor her life…her love for me.
I’m sure most of you have (are) experienced life-demics. This pandemic is a collective life-demic and as in our personal life-demics, we have choices. Embrace what serves your best self. Eliminate what doesn’t.
Your Mindset: There is so much to fear. It’s not so much about eliminating fear as it is about moving yourself THROUGH your fears. How you message yourself (thoughts, media, people, environment) is critically important.
Your Self-care: Focus on what’s good, on being grateful. Take small daily actions that support your health and well-being. If you can’t do this alone, seek help from your circle, a life coach or a therapist.
Your Contribution: The number one thing we can do for each other is stay in our lane. If you’re not a first responder/frontline worker/essential business, STAY HOME! Support these heroic people by staying home and by contributing to the organizations that support them. Virtually connect to loved ones and others who are alone.
When I collapsed in despair, my faith, family and friends brought me through. But only because I CHOSE to rise above. If you’re able to read this message, you’re able to choose your better. Choose well.
P.S. JOIN US!! Every Tuesday in April at 6pm CST – 6:30pm CST, I’m hosting, Staying In The Peak Zone in the zoom room. We’re celebrating personal wins, encouraging each other, focusing on what’s GOOD…even dancing! Save this link and join us here. If you’ve never used zoom before, make sure to click the link a few minutes early to install it on your desktop and join. You can also join the link from your smartphone/tablet or call in from a landline (you won’t have the video option from a landline).