Life & Death: How Are You Counting?

8 years ago, on October 5th, my mom, Barbara Ann Williams, unexpectedly made her transition…felled by a pulmonary embolism. It was a horrendous shock to all who knew and loved her.
Almost 7 years ago, I ended a 28 yr corporate career, spurred in part by her death.
6 years ago today, I married Mr. Washington, a force-of-never-boring-nature and my partner in a new life of love, passion and adventure.
5 years ago, I became a life coach. Since then, I’ve helped many women make major life moves re relationships, careers, and dream fulfillment. Freedom and Purpose! The most successful ones have this in common:
They count in minutes, hours, and days.
They want change NOW and take targeted action to get it. The more their choices scare them, the better their lives become!
I’ve been saying that mom’s death taught me how arbitrary LIFE is, but I got it wrong. It’s DEATH that’s arbitrary. Making it to midlife means you’ve made a zillion life choices. But death? Outside of suicide, we don’t get to choose the moment. I’m continuously surprised by who dies and who doesn’t. And there’s more than one way to die, such as complacency, inertia, delusion.
87 days from now, 2019 ends. What will you do to make those days count? What, in your heart of hearts, do you want to celebrate on December 31st? What barriers to that celebration do you need to remove?
I’m helping you answer those questions and more on my free Midlife Woman Redefined podcast series, End Like You Want To Begin. The series covers dropping mental, environmental, and physical weight plus how to add daily pleasure. Podcasts are free and this one is only a short investment of time. No excuses! Click here to listen.
One of Mom’s favorite’s was The Serenity Prayer. Not accepting what can’t be changed keeps us stuck. Changing what can is the path to Peace, Love, and Joy.
What are you choosing? Wisdom or waffling?

And if you’re truly ALL about your change, then choose personalized coaching accountability for the podcast series through this special offer: The Rock2020 Sessions, 4 coaching sessions Plus for $1200. Click here for details.