I’m soooo excited! Midlife Woman Redefined is not only what I coach, It’s what I walk. Career Triage HQ, my new company in collaboration with powerhouse coaches, Gwen Hall and Tonya Allen, is not me ditching coaching midlife women. That’s still an active passion. Career Triage is an expansion of my grand passion: Coaching, and part of my Braver Bolder Better year!
I’m popping in your inbox to ask for your help. You may be out of the corporate game, but I’m sure you have children, grands, friends…people you know who are still in it. And if you’ve ever been helped by a blog I wrote, a podcast episode I recorded, or coaching I provided, I’m asking you to pay it forward by referring (or treating!) the Career Triage Masterclass to someone who could use it.
The Masterclass is for career professionals (women and men) who want to put themselves on a successful path OR who are frustratingly off track and want to course correct. It’s Wednesday, February 19th, 9am – 12pm CST and it’s online (no travel). Registrants will receive the recording (so there’s no schedule conflict issue) and confidentiality will be protected. The investment is $99 and the value is priceless! Seats (only 50) are selling and we want A SELLOUT!
Tomorrow is Valentines Day and while chocolates and flowers are great, expressing love through helping someone set themselves up for success is the best! The registration link is here. Treat or Share. And Thank You!!
LOVE to all of you! Treat Yo Self to loads of self-love all month.
#BraveBolderBetter #MidlifeWomanRedefined #HappyLoveDay

P.S. As I said, I’m still in the coaching midlife women thriving business and if you’re ready for YOUR Braver, Bolder, Better year, let’s talk about your options here.
P.P.S. I never tire of this. LOL! Treat Yo Self to a listen here.