“We’ve all fallen We have the skinned knees and bruised hearts to prove it. But scars are easier to talk about than they are to show. With all the remembered feelings laid bare. And rarely do we see wounds that are in the process of healing. Dr. Brené Brown

How’s your summer going? It’s been a minute since I’ve sent a blog/newsletter. Great things have been happening in cReneCoach world, I:
– ended my (visiting coach) participation in a wonderful local mentoring program for executive women, Learned much from the monthly sessions (and from the program’s powerhouse founder) and met some Fab mover/shaker women(staff and participants)…
– kicked off my Master Coach certification journey with in an incredible week in an art museum hotel with 11 other women who are now sisters, not just classmates…
– rolled out the Desire Map workshop with a group of incredibly engaged women who connected to the value in asking what’s become one of my two foundational life compass questions: How do you want to feel? (The other is the BARE question: Does this feel like love?)…
– soft launched what will become a cReneCoach/2WiseCrew signature program: Your Next Move, the teleclass to end all teleclasses that guides you in getting work that supports the life you want to live…
– FINALLY figured out the movement/eating recipe that works for my body!
So why did I open with a quote about scars? Why am I showing you my scarred knees? Because, instead of celebrating what’s going well, I’ve been beating myself up about what I :
No new clients picked up from the executive group…investing more $$ in my business than I’m bringing in…my house is a mess…Your Next Move won’t sell out…my thighs are still too big…Waa! Waa! Waa!
I literally cried out to God(cuz that’s MY roll), asking for ‘am I on the right path’ direction. I LOVE this path but shouldn’t I be further along on it? And thankfully, the response was quick: This is the messy part…the creating/building part…the figuring it out, bruising/scarring part. But yes, this is your path. I’ve got you. You’re in the midst of your harvest.
Woo Sa! Then that message was repeated in the Brené Brown Super Soul Sunday Rising Strong interview I just ‘happened’ upon. Repeated in my daily devotion re trusting God’s plans. Repeated today’s blogs from life coaches, Cheryl Richardson and Danielle LaPorte. And repeated in the midst of writing this post, in the unexpected email from one of my Desire Map workshop attendees: “So go ahead my sister, handle ‘yo’ business. Because I am telling you that your light is resonating in my life for sure…I’m just saying stay LIT UP.”
YASSSSSSSS!! LIT UP is exactly how coaching FAB women makes me feel. The scars you CAN’T see are why I do this. It’s not all fun and happy…even (and especially!) for a life coach. ‘But a winner don’t quit on herself’ and I’m in for the win…for ALL of us. I’m re-working my faulty perceptions. These scarred knees have brought me far and have more beautiful places to take me, literally and figuratively.
Woo Sa!
P.S. If you (or someone you’re tired of hearing whine!) are not happy in your day job, get yourself signed up for one of ONLY twelve spaces for Your Next Move. The smart women who do will not only get a deep dunk in determining their best path for change during an enlightening group experience, they’ll also receive one-on-one coaching delivered by two gifted coaches, https://crenecoach.com/your-next-move/
P.P.S. The Desire Map Retreat is coming this fall! Click here to be put on the interest list and get all the details.
P.P.S. I’ve met some great coaches! One of the best and smartest is Maggie Reyes, who lives her talk and has the mantra, Create a Life You Love with the Love of Your Life. I’ve been coached by Maggie and if you want to preempt couple issues or dig out of the hole you’re in, contact Maggie ASAP at ModernMarried.com