cReneCoach News November 5, 2017

Happy Sunday, Wonderful Women!

What a week it’s been in cReneCoach-land. When you get clear…feel-it-in-the-soul-of-your-bones CLEAR!, on your What & Why, the How starts poppin’!!

“Free Your Mind and Your Life Will Follow.”

And it’s not only me. I’m hearing from clients who have DECIDED to no longer settle for less. To break through their minds%#t and be about that life they’ve been craving. That passion project they know they execute. They’re listening to that internal compass/spirit/holy spirit/gut message/intuition and turtle-stepping, sometimes leaping into the plan that gives them life instead of staying stuck on stuck.

In C.RenĂ©’s world, I’ve been up close and personal to a family member making tough decisions re terminal illness and friends dealing with serious family and pet illnesses. In the midst of all of this, I kept hearing this:

Stop wasting time. Do. It. Now.

Who’s stopping me? Only me. Let That S%#t Go!

What’s stopping me? Only mindset blocks. Let That S%#t Go!

Done and Done. What about you?

“There’s no education in the second kick of the mule.” ~ Sam Rayburn

If you’re ready and you know it, raise your hand.


Create a visual reminder of your 2018 vision at my Vision Board event! It’s FREE and seats are limited so act fast!

Create Goals and an Action Plan that connect to your vision at The Desire Map Retreat in beautiful St. Petersburg, FL, January 25-28. Still working on the hotel, but ALL the details will be finalized this week. In the meantime, I see Fab women about the business of freeing their minds and their lives. I see the beach, rooftop dining, swag, lots of laughter, and beautiful sunrises & sunsets.