Helloooo Midlifers!
Recently, I was feeding my eyeglasses obsession by checking out a trunk show in my favorite optical shop. A sister shopper was considering two pairs of funky specs: a red pair and black pair. “Get the red!” I exclaimed. She admitted she loved the red, but they were out of the box for her and she was concerned about what people would think. She went on to tell me that she really wanted to get out of her box, though, because there are some things she wants to do that would connect her to getting back to the adventurous woman she used to be.
I told her that’s exactly why she needed to get the red glasses! The black looked great, but the red popped! That one small step would set her on the “coming back to herself” path. To moving her life from meh to magnificent! She agreed she needed her life to pop again.
In May, I took some time away from being full throttle in my business and it was a revelatory month. Clarity and moving forward direction achieved. My biggest Aha:
Trust yourself.
Every epiphany my clients experience comes back to this simple path to ALL things that serve us. Every time they start the externalizing dance, I circle them back to their internal compass and that’s when the change they need becomes crystal clear. That’s when they learn to say ‘No’ to what drags them and ‘Yes!’ to what fuels them.
“No, I don’t want to leave the peace of my home to watch your children.” “Yes, I will push myself out of complacency to apply for the position that honors the value I bring.” “No, I’m not waiting on company permission to move myself to a better hotel.” “Yes, I’m worth every penny of what this trip costs.”
I know that the best decision-making tool we have is our inner compass and it’s easy to stray from it, especially when you’re doing something that’s new, unknown, or very different from your usual roll. What we have to remember is that the logistics or mechanics of HOW to do something is one thing and our WHY is another. Your WHY connects to your purpose, your passion, and your not wanting to waste another minute living under the obligation of other people’s priorities. That doesn’t mean we only do what we want to do. It means we only do what we CHOOSE to do from a clean place of decision.
What are the ‘red glasses’ you need to wear? Who’s ready for life to pop? What ‘Yesses’ and ‘Nos’ are calling your name? Are you ready to come back to trusting yourself?
Every week I’ll be sharing mini lessons on doing that and opportunities to walk your talk. It’s time to get your midlife POP!
P.S. There’s no time like now.
- Two opportunities to travel your way to your change: Passport To Your Midlife Thrive Retreats
NYC September 12-15 and Portugal September 16-20; I’m completing details and there are only 5 spots available for each trip. Full details coming by next week. Put your name on the first dibs list by sending me an email. - Ready for deep dive coaching? Schedule a call with my team to determine your best path on this link, cReneCoach.com.
- I’m doing a podcast!! It starts this fall and I’ll be sharing the behind-the-scenes deets to inspire anyone who’s had a dream to do something that scares you to do the damn thing!