“I reflected on how an employment situation can provide income, yet not wealth stability or freedom. That comes largely from mindset and vision.”
Hello Beautiful!
That quote is from Mavis Jaye, a wise and wonderful member of my Midlife Manifest facebook group and the Midlife Manifest Sistermind. She’s on the receiving end of the ridiculousness that is the government shutdown and in spite of the kraziness, is choosing to glean wisdom from it.
I’m praying that calm, collected, and caring heads will prevail to return people to work asap! And this is a good time for all of us (unless you’re dealing with basic survival) to set a vision for our lives…one that is not dependent upon or impacted by the whims and delusions of foolish leaders, bosses, family members, friends, or perfect strangers. That’s the mindset piece. Because shxt is always happening.
No matter our best efforts, we can’t control everything that happens to us. We can only control our reaction to it. Helping women do this is my zone of genius.
A circumstance prompts what you think and prompts what you feel which prompts what you do. That space between the circumstance and the thought is where your choices start. Choose well.
Set your vision. Take action. Get your mind right.
#MidlifeManifestSistermind #TheRewiredRetiredLife

P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are three ways I can help you get (and keep) that life you say you want:
- Join The Midlife Manifest Group and connect with other women who are in midlife transition. This is my Facebook community where successful retire-to-thrive women learn how to get more ‘who I am’ clarity, stop living hijacked lives, and live in purpose with passion. Click here to join.
- Sign up for the Midlife Manifest Sistermind. Get yourself in my signature program for women who are done with hoping and are ready to take action. If you’d like to learn exactly what you need to make serious life changes in 2019, reply to this email with ‘I’m Ready!’ in the subject line and I’ll get you all the details.
- Attend a LIVE event. The Self-Love Explosion Tour...Where Passion and Power Meet, kicks off January 26th in Sacramento, CA!! Me, and three other motivational movers and shakers will be dishing ‘get your life’ self-love bombs during a not-to-be-missed event! Share with anyone you know in that area. Click here for info and tickets.