Remember the day
I set you free
I told you you could always count on me…
I have many passions: my faith, Mr. Washington, my family, my girlfriends, coaching women, racial and social justice, women’s empowerment, books, movies, television, Broadway, travel, Norman Love chocolates, sunshine, sunflowers…the list goes on.
What I’m most passionate about: reveling in these passions and discovering new passions.
I’ve enjoyed wonderful life experiences but it wasn’t until my late forties that I experienced deep, unabiding passion and understood why once you do, it’s life altering and expanding.
There is no passion to be found playing small—in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. —Nelson Mandela
Not settling.
#LetThatShxtGo! #ItsYourTime #MidlifeManifest
P.S. If you’re settling for playing small, here are three ways I can help you get hooked on your passions:
- Join The Midlife Manifest Group and connect with other women who are in midlife transition. This is my Facebook community where successful retire-to-thrive women learn how to get more ‘who I am’ clarity, stop living hijacked lives, and live in purpose with passion. Click here to join.
- Sign up for the Midlife Manifest Sistermind. I just kicked off my transformation that sticks program. If you’d like to learn what you need to do to make serious life changes in 2019, reply to this email with ‘I’m Ready’ in the subject line.
- Work with my team and me privately. If you’d like to work directly with my team and me to help you live a more passionate and FREE life, simply reply to this message and put “Private” in the subject line. Tell me a little about your life and what you’d like to work on together and I’ll get you all the details!