No one can give you anything – love, shame, self-esteem – until you give it to yourself. Today, give yourself good things. ~ Martha Beck

On my podcast, Midlife Woman Redefined (you can still listen on Apple Podcast!), I started most episodes encouraging you to celebrate an, ‘I did that!’ moment. I see so many women give and do, do and give, without stopping to celebrate or even acknowledge their many accomplishments big and small. What I’m celebrating (read to end for my special celebration offer):
The 5th anniversary of becoming a certified life coach!! Wooooo Hooooooo!!
On the same day of this milestone, I received this message from a former client, “…I am sitting at my new desk, in my new life to which I am enjoying, looking over the notes of our sessions. Thank you a million times over for helping ME to come out of hiding. God used you to push me…I was stagnated by fear but I am now free and fearless to be me. YOU ROCK.” This incredibly giving woman gave herself the best gift…a new life. She quit her job, moved to a new state and is working and loving up on her grandchildren in a life on her terms. Grateful!!
I’m also celebrating a message I received the week before from an email subscriber, “I’m afraid I find your communications patronising…Please unsubscribe me. Good luck...” Not-my-people energy removed. Grateful!!
The biggest lesson I’ve learned is illuminated Martha Beck’s words above. I had to learn how to believe in myself, validate myself , certify myself… to fully and completely walk in my purpose: helping midlife women see and believe in themselves then own this ah-mazing time of life to create as many new life chapters as they choose. I’m only engaging with What and Who supports that. And I hope you do the same. So, yes…unsubscribe from what doesn’t serve you, sign up for what does!
Some women at this life stage don’t believe that they deserve to get what they want. Some don’t believe they have the time get what they want. Others are afraid of OPP (other people’s perceptions) if they do Go For It. The truth: IT’S NOT TOO LATE and YOU CAN WORK THROUGH THE FEAR.
But only if you decide, then do. Time IS on your side if you choose to use it for your benefit. Don’t moan about it. Be about it. You can use it or you can refuse it. This. Is. Your. Time.
“You’ve always had the power, my dear. You just had to learn it for yourself.” ~ Glenda (Wizard of Oz)
I know and deeply believe in the power of coaching to help you Learn and Live it for yourself! Here are some options for coaching and other resources:
Been wanting to work with me? Every woman that treats herself to this work achieves life-altering results! Check out my special anniversary offer here.
Another awesome coach and friend has a FREE OPPORTUNITY for coaching: Mavis Johnson is seeking participants to test a new coaching program. It’s 4 months of coaching (starting now) for 4-6 midlife women exploring transition that includes 1-1 coaching. Email her asap if you’d like to participate in her beta group, [email protected].
Podcast fan? Check out FAB coach, Renee Reid’s, Welcome To Your Life! Midlife Made Easier podcast, here. This episode features a conversation with moi, Celebrate The Life You Want To Create. YAYYYY!!
And another podcast option from one of my Self-Love Explosion tour partners, the phenomenal Lynnis Woods-Mullins, V.I.B.E. Living, a breath of get-your-life fresh air! Listen here.
Self-coaching books I love: The Crossroads of Should and Must by Ella Luna, The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks, BARE by Susan Hyatt, Self-Coaching 101 by Brooke Castillo, The Year of Yes, by Shonda Rhimes, Daring Greatly by Brené Brown, and I always get living best life wisdom from O Magazine.
Oh, and I can’t forget to shout out my new jam, Career Triage: The Masterclass (online April 2nd!) for anyone experiencing career drama. Click here.
It’s International Women’s Day! And month. Do something great for yourself AND other women. #BraverBolderBetter!!

Recently, I received this message from a subscriber, “I’m afraid I find your communications patronising and I don’t know how to unsubscribe from your list of contacts. Please unsubscribe me. Good luck with your future endeavours.”