A year ago on this date, I was on a stage in New York City for I Am Courage. My sister speakers and I created this event after bonding in Santa Fe at Gail Larsen’s appropriately named, Transformational Speaking training.
This pic from the event popped up as today’s Facebook memory and in addition to remembering what an amazing day that was, I’m also reminded of what I tell clients (and myself!) who are dithering about making a move that scares them:
The time is going to pass anyway. Why not let it pass with your having Done The Thing??
But what if it fails? Then now you know what you DON’T want. It’s all information.
And what if it doesn’t?
If it wasn’t for FB memories, I wouldn’t have noted this anniversary of my ‘taking the stage’. So much has happened since then that it feels more distant than a year. One of my SisterFriends happened to mention I Am Courage the other day, commenting on how I’m much more comfortable and engaging on my recent Lucy and Ethel FB Lives (check us out Fridays at 12:30!) than I was then.
She’s right. I am. Because I kept showing up for myself. I kept tweaking the recipe and now I’m cooking with gas, having a blast and up-leveling my business.
Are you ready to ‘take the stage’ for your life? Make the tweaks to the secret sauce that is your special brand of brilliance and Live the Life You’ve Been Craving?
The women in my Your Next Move teleclass have done this! Every one of them has clarity on how they want to live and an action plan to get there. The biggest move they made? Learning to Let Their S%#t Go! and Choosing to believe they can have what they want.
Mindset Detox + Action = Dream Life
It’s true for me too. Just as our bodies must purge crap, so must our minds. Continuously.
Perfectionism. Lizard brain thinking. Self-sabotage. Other Peoples Perceptions. Compare & Despair, Fear, and more.
My mission is to help as many women as possible become as ‘regular’ in letting their mental s%#t go as we should be in our biological ‘letting go’ process.
Are you with me?? Contact me to set up a free consult to learn more about the mindset work I do.
P.S. I waited months to view the I Am Courage video of my talk because even though it was received well, I ‘knew’ I could have done better and was afraid to release it to a larger audience. Once I did, a woman saw it and it inspired her so much she hired me as her coach AND referred me to other women, one of whom also became a client. We’ve got to get over ourselves, women and Run. This. World. It needs us rolling in our full magnificence. It’s a Shame for us not to!
P.P.S. Here’s some musical inspiration from Jill Scott, https://youtu.be/361P_nyxoPw