(4-minute read)
Hello Beautiful!
I’m not a huge rap fan and pretty much opted out after the early Dougie Fresh era, but I ‘happened’ to catch an NPR interview with U-God from the Wu-Tang Clan. What resonated with me was U-God sharing his struggle to transition from the life he was born into and embrace the opportunity for music industry success. He spoke about how as a child, he and his friends made toys out of garbage: …”the bike had mismatched parts, but it got us from point A to B.”
U-God also shared how he ended up in prison and what happened when he was let out on work release: Wu-Tang Clan brought him in to record a rap song and TWO DAYS later, he ended up back in prison. The “street poison” reference is his descriptor for getting sucked into the lure of the drug trade money. “It’s very hard to make the brain shift from a poverty mentality to a focused mentality. You have to shake off the street stuff…the mentality you were born into.”
I made the correlation that the keep-stuck-stories we tell ourselves are a form of mental street poison. My hearing that interview WAS NOT happenstance. I was in the midst of a major mini-crisis of purpose…questioning my choice to be an entrepreneur.
What I love about mindset work, is that you quickly recognize the potholes and poison your brain throws at you as you get closer to your goals. One day I’m flying high with my webinar launch and the next day, I descend into the abyss of self-doubt.
The antidote for the ‘poison’?
Allowing myself to feel ALL of the feelings, then doing the mindset work to separate fact (successful transitions women have made with my coaching) from fiction (operating a business is too hard). I used my mental garbage to propel me instead of derail me. Special thanks to my girlfriends who were wonderful sounding boards and those who provided me encouragement without knowing they were!
Life is NOT always easy. And as my husband reminded me regarding business or other big goals, “anything without struggles is not worth it.”
Resignation and complacency are ‘easy’…and unfulfilling. The journey to reach dreams and goals is challenging, yet soul-sustaining in a way that only moving in your intended purpose can be.
THIS is the beauty and value in mindset work…in learning to Let That S%#t Go! Mind-crap will bubble up (especially when your brain thinks you’re getting bigger than is ‘safe’) and mindset tools are your go-to arsenal for stepping back from the ledge of giving up!
I’ve been told I’m a soft-sell. And it’s true. Bombarding people isn’t my thing. But I’m telling you this:
If it’s EVER crossed your mind to work with me (and many of you have told me it has), then passing up the opportunity to either join my Let That S%#t Go! teleclass or join me in beautiful St. Petersburg for the Design Your Life Retreat is KRAZINESS! Both will show you how to identify YOUR (mind) street poison, get the recovery antidote and move into the life you want.
Telling yourself you can’t make the investment of time or money to FINALLY make the huge life shift you’ve been wanting or complaining about not having is…
Well we know insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. I’m not calling you insane, but…
Shake That S%#t Off and Commit.
One More Request: there are two dates left (3/15 at 6:00pm CST and 3/20 at 11:30am CST) to join my FREE Webinar, the 7 Deadly DreamLife Blockers. Please register and share this link with EVERY WOMAN you think would benefit from participating. Thanks!