Midlife Manifest Fifties Wisdom Week 14: Ah-mazing Can Be Your Normal Too!

Hello Beautiful!

In my quest to share what I’ve learned during these nine years of fifties, I’m realizing that I use the word ‘amazing’ frequently. I’m blessedly in a continuous loop of experiences that are worthy of that term.

a·maz·ing, adjective: causing great surprise or sudden wonder.

As I’ve stated before, turning 50 was about arriving at a destination that would put me on a ‘rest of my life’ easy street. NOPE!

Instead, expecting my fifties to be amazing me led me on a journey of  choices and decisions that manifested that reality…the best kind of self-fulfilling prophecy. 

Not magic. Not luck. Choices. I’m ALL IN invested in living an Ah-mazing life! What does this investment mindset manifest?

Letting ShXt Go!: Nothing can come in to a blocked, clogged space. I continuously purge what no longer serves me from my physical and head spaces to stay aware and open to receiving what does.

Laughter: Healthy laughter is a proven life extender. Most of my laughter comes not from comedians, but from small and big experience moments with people I love…deep belly-aching laughter. 

Love: My faith in God and Christ, Myself, My man, my family, my friends, my work…I have no obligated relationships. Blood doesn’t give you permission to hijack my life. I invest the time to keep my relationships deep and strong and the dollars to keep my business successful and highly impactful (I hire coaches too!).

Live: Living well for me encompasses consistently investing in above and in my physical health. Regular checkups and a ‘keep this body moving’ commitment. A heart condition, mini-stroke, torn meniscus in both knees, ankle swelling, and fibromyalgia are not excuses for me to cave to inertia. They’re reasons for me to eat and move for life! And because I know and own who I am, I invest in accountability by hiring a personal trainer and taking the (dance, barre, yoga,etc.) classes.

Legacy: The work I do changes lives…for the better. I choose to own and use my gifts for coaching and teaching to show women how to leverage and maximize their gifts for a life of freedom, passion, and higher level contribution. I want my nieces to see the full possibility of their lives through the way I live mine. And though my circle may be relatively small in this big ole world, I want my footprint to be large in it!

Yes, my life is Ah-mazing because I purpose it to be.

You can do the same. Check your investment mindset. Invest in your Ah-mazing.

P.S. If you’re ready to start your Ah-mazing journey, I’d love to help. Here are your options:

  • If you’re serious about your change happening NOW, YOU HAVE ONE WEEK to join The Midlife Manifest Sistermind, click here to get on my calendar to get full details.
  • Did you miss my 1-hour live event, Let That ShxT Go, Reclaim Your Life, & Thrive? What??!! You have until midnight tonight to fix that and watch the replay. Click here
  • Still exploring? Join my free facebook group, The Midlife Manifest here

Midlife Manifest Fifties Wisdom Week 13: Becoming

I was blessed to be in the audience for (my forever) First Lady Michelle Obama’s  Brooklyn stop on her Becoming book tour. If you admire her, I don’t have to tell you how incredibly amazing she is in all aspects of womanhood and as a human being. If you don’t then we probably have very little in common.

My biggest takeaways from her talk and her book:

  • Yes! I Am Becoming…for as long as I choose to be. There’s no age limit on growth, change, and manifesting what I want.
  • I define me. I don’t live under the weight of other people’s limitations.
  • A requirement of living my best life is having ride-or-die girlfriends.

Her message is very validating for the way I CHOOSE to live my life. If part or all of above is aspirational for you, then you may need a life coach. I say ‘may’ because coaching…at least MY coaching…is for women Ready to Act on their aspirations. 

Through everything challenge, road block, and underestimation…

She persisted.

So do I. So can you.

It’s a decision.

Get Your Life.

P.S. If you’re ready to start your BECOMING journey, I’d love to help. Here are three options:

  • If you’re serious about change happening NOW, put yourself on my calendar to talk life strategy by clicking here, ConnectWithRene.com
  • Still exploring? Join my free facebook group, The Midlife Manifest here or…
  • Subscribe to this weekly blog, crenecoach.com