When it comes to our diets, we can spend years counting calories, recording everything we eat, and where does it get us? More often than not, it gets us absolutely nowhere. We have spent so long categorizing our foods as bad or healthy, and beating ourselves up when we treat ourselves.
Well, it doesn’t have to be this way, mavens. I want to share with you the process of attentive eating; how you can give your body the fuel it needs, as well as the pleasure you need, without making the whole thing more complicated than it needs to be.
NIKE your life and “Just Do IT!” Whatever IT is for you. (And I LOVE how sprinter Alysia Montano NIKE’d NIKE in supreme fashion!
Are Your Listening? We’re in the middle of the End Like You Want To Begin series on the Midlife Woman Redefined Podcast. To kick off 2020 in the best way possible, I’m walking you through all of the ways we trip ourselves up on the way to getting the life we want. Catch up here. And I’m recording my FIRST INTERVIEW! Woo Hoo!! It’s with Mary Rogers, host of the fab podcast for midlifers, Experience50 and you don’t want to miss her life-kick story of midlife redefinition. I’ll keep you posted on the air date.
Back On The Tele! I have another appearance on the local show, Talk of Alabama this Friday. It airs at 9am CST on ABC33/40. Send up prayers and good thoughts for me!
Catching Up…on the Outlander tv series. I watched the first season then planned to read all of the books before going back to the show. Ummm, the show is five seasons in and I haven’t read one book! LOL!! Gave up that delusion and watching is wonderful escapism. Highly recommend if you love historical fiction.
What I Am Reading…I’m a few chapters in Ta-Nehisi Coate’s first novel, The Water Dancer and I’m hooked!
The Clock Is Ticking! I won’t be coaching one-to-one OR offering my group coaching program, The Midlife Manifest Sistermind in 2020. If you’ve been wanting to work with me, I’m taking a few more clients before the year ends. Don’t dither, jump on this opportunity. Lives are being changed! Click here for the ROCK2020 details.
We are about halfway through our End Like You Want To Begin series of podcasts and this week we’re taking a look at pleasure. Did you know that how much pleasure you get in a day affects your stress levels, your cravings, and even your creativity?
When we think of making sure we get some pleasure, we often jump to the bigger things, like vacations and big purchases. Well, those things are great, but there are so many simple pleasures you can give yourself every day that will help you redefine who you are and who you want to become.
Who’s feeling it? A little anxious, off kilter, confused, maybe even overwhelmed? Raising my hand! I’ve been here before and the difference now is that instead of being bummed about it, I’m excited. Because, what I know for sure is that this fog signals something new and wonderful is in gestation.
On the Midlife Woman Redefined podcast, I’m walking listeners through deep mindset shifts: environmental, emotional, physical, and experiential. And I’m doing the work with you. Head-in-sand doesn’t work…especially at this stage of life. What you suppress will keep nudging you until it’s addressed. Relationship drama, career burnout, martyred obligations, health issues…whatever’s weighing you down will only get heavier if you keep ignoring it.
For me, it’s about making a pivot to work less. I’m in Florida with Mr. Washington. We came to connect with some of his former co-workers and I was pleasantly surprised by our hotel location: a resort on Neptune Beach and a room with an ocean view. It’s been an enjoyable low-key time of ocean-gazing, boutique/bookstore browsing, and indulging my ice cream passion at Whitt’s Frozen Custard.
More. Of. This.
The weekend has validated what’s been nudging me and my self-coaching brain knows better than to ignore it.
What are you ignoring? What transformation is calling you?
To catch up on the End Like You Want To Begin series on the Midlife Woman Redefined podcast, click here
I have space for 5 one-to-one clients before the end of the year. Last date to start your 4-session ROCK2020 package is November 22nd. Want more information on working with me, click here to schedule a life strategy call.
Popping in atypically on a Friday because I’m road tripping with Mr. Washington and it’s giving me lots of time to read, reflect, dream. Top of mind is coming to the end of a fruitful 2019 and anticipating 2020.
This has been a year of move forward decisions for my clients…even when moving got really, really tough! The midlife maven moves: – creating a post-career dream to start a voice-over/recorded faith meditations business – left a good job to take a new job in a new city – sold childhood home to close the chapter on an old and limiting family paradigm to open space for a new (and freeing!) life chapter – sold home and got fitness teaching certification, supporting her post career best chapter – ended a marriage she’d long outgrown – broke out of ‘should’ constrictions and took a solo weekend getaway – worked through ‘not good enough’ fears to join and excel in a corporate talent leadership program for women – got serious about her health and lost 36 lbs – created her post good government job plan and is walking in the ‘teach you how to treat the new me’ piece of it now!
I could go on. I’m grateful to coach incredible women who know and act upon the value of investing time and dollars in their change. And I walk my talk. I invested in myself this year to strengthen my coaching skills AND realize long-held dreams: – Led women through major life change in the Midlife Manifest Sistermind – Took a two week 60th birthday extravaganza trip to France and Morocco – Launched the Midlife Woman Redefined podcast – did T.V. appearances on a local general interest show – Writing a book (stay tuned!) – Collaborating with two other powerhouse women to create an online course (capturing past life genius for the greater good and posterity) for midlevel managers who’ve hit a ceiling they can’t crack
The commonality between my clients and myself is that we are NOW women! We have fears, doubt, and confusion and we RISE above them to thrive!
Clearly, I have lots of thoughts and I also have lots of passion for lighting the path for a woman to free herself!
I’m offering a 4-session Power Up to ROCK2020 package for $1200. Next year, I’ll only be offering the Midlife Maven Sistermind, a 9-month commitment for ALL-In women. So if you’re ready, LEAP! The opportunity for this time frame and investment will end November 22nd. Click here for details. My team or I will get on a call with you to answer questions. No hard sale. If working with me isn’t the best option, we’ll direct you to a better one. Schedule here.
If you could do it on your own, you would have done it.
You know by now that living well is the only option, but what does that really look like? Well, everything we do in our daily lives sends us a message. Whether it’s the media you consume, your tasks around the house, or the people you see regularly, if these things are messaging you negatively, you don’t have to put up with it.
As part of my End Like You Want to Begin series, I’m giving you one of the most important things I’ve learned on my journey as a coach. The ability to control your environment and remove the things that give you a toxic perspective is going to change your life.
I love revisiting the wisdom below. And if you’re ready to walk a different street, I got you! Subscribe to the Midlife Woman Redefined podcast. I’m doing a series on getting the jump on 2020 called, End Like You Want to Begin. It’s better than a Netflix binge and it’s free! Click here to start listening or catch up.
Oh, and for the deep dive mavens, I got you too! A 4-session coaching package, The Rock2020Sessions, to ensure you get your change. Click here for details then shoot me an email to jump in and break your ‘same street’ habit. Treat Yo Self!
Autobiography In Five Chapters
1) I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I fall in.
I am lost… I am hopeless.
It isn’t my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.
2) I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend I don’t see it.
I fall in again.
I can’t believe I’m in the same place.
But it isn’t my fault.
It still takes a long time to get out.
3) I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it is there.
I still fall in… it’s a habit.
My eyes are open.
I know where I am.
It is my fault.
I get out immediately.
4) I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.
5) I walk down another street.
Portia Nelson
From: Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
What are your dreams for 2020? If you really sit down and think about it, what do you want to create in your life for the year ahead? And more importantly, how do we make that a reality? Well, hopefully you’ll find the answer for you in today’s episode.
We’re into the last quarter of 2019, and as our focus shifts to what the next year has in store for us, I want to focus your attention onto ending your year strong, giving you the best possible platform for living your best life in 2020. This is the first of a seven-week series that will see you take control of your life and your future.
8 years ago, on October 5th, my mom, Barbara Ann Williams, unexpectedly made her transition…felled by a pulmonary embolism. It was a horrendous shock to all who knew and loved her.
Almost 7 years ago, I ended a 28 yr corporate career, spurred in part by her death.
6 years ago today, I married Mr. Washington, a force-of-never-boring-nature and my partner in a new life of love, passion and adventure.
5 years ago, I became a life coach. Since then, I’ve helped many women make major life moves re relationships, careers, and dream fulfillment. Freedom and Purpose! The most successful ones have this in common:
They count in minutes, hours, and days.
They want change NOW and take targeted action to get it. The more their choices scare them, the better their lives become!
I’ve been saying that mom’s death taught me how arbitrary LIFE is, but I got it wrong. It’s DEATH that’s arbitrary. Making it to midlife means you’ve made a zillion life choices. But death? Outside of suicide, we don’t get to choose the moment. I’m continuously surprised by who dies and who doesn’t. And there’s more than one way to die, such as complacency, inertia, delusion.
87 days from now, 2019 ends. What will you do to make those days count? What, in your heart of hearts, do you want to celebrate on December 31st? What barriers to that celebration do you need to remove?
I’m helping you answer those questions and more on my free Midlife Woman Redefinedpodcast series, End Like You Want To Begin. The series covers dropping mental, environmental, and physical weight plus how to add daily pleasure. Podcasts are free and this one is only a short investment of time. No excuses! Click here to listen.
One of Mom’s favorite’s was The Serenity Prayer. Not accepting what can’t be changed keeps us stuck. Changing what can is the path to Peace, Love, and Joy.
What are you choosing? Wisdom or waffling?
I don’t know Jack, but I agree!
And if you’re truly ALL about your change, then choose personalized coaching accountability for the podcast series through this special offer: The Rock2020 Sessions, 4 coaching sessions Plus for $1200. Click here for details.
Last week, I brought you the Should Show. This week, I’m bringing you the Shit Show – specifically how to shed your shit so you can fly. So it’s time to start taking account of what’s weighing you down.
It’s getting to that time of year where we’re thinking about our goals for the next one, so I’d also like to introduce to you a new series that I will be starting next week, which I’m calling End How You Want to Begin – a seven-week journey for you to eliminate what’s holding you back, so you can end 2019 the way you want to start 2020.