Hello Beautiful!
It’s been a minute and I’ve got stuff to say. Indulge me.
“We teach best what we most need to learn.” ~ Richard Bach
Yes, I do. DUH!
What did I need to learn? Or more accurately, know and believe (because we learn the lesson, right? We just don’t always believe it!).
What I know for sure:
1. The best path to getting what we want will always be through following our spiritual gps/first right mind/inner compass/intuition/body compass. Staying only in our heads allows fear to fuel decisions instead of faith.
2. I’m wayyyy past fitting into someone else’s box and at this stage of life, I’m guessing you are too. That’s about not fully owning and believing in who we are. (See my ‘broken record’ definition for why continuing to do this can result in crash and burn.)
3. What’s been in the way: the fears, confusion, self-sabotage, procrastination, self-judgement, limiting beliefs, etc…becomes The Way. That thing that won’t let you go?? It’s your path to happy. Address your mess and get FREE!
4. We are not islands and our sh#t is not unique. But it is sur-THRIVE-able…especially with the guidance of a great life coach 😉 and A-team accountability.
5. My BIG Walk-in-Purpose mission is to coach as many women as possible to light the match in their mid-life years that puts you on the path to prioritizing what you want for your life. To show you how to answer that What about me? question that keeps pinching you after years of keeping everyone else’s priorities at the top of your list. To show you how to draw boundaries that honor who YOU are and still maintain the ties that bind to those you love. To teach you how to enJOY life doing what feeds the essence of who you really are (not who you’ve been told you should be!) whether it’s through service, savoring memorable experiences, or embracing solitude. I’ve done this with numerous women and I’d love to do it with you!
The world needs our shine! Anything we’re allowing to block that shine needs to go…Now. Broken record has a double meaning for me. To my eternal shame and embarrassment, recently, I couldn’t complete a work commitment and broke my dependability record. There were several factors that contributed to that happening, but the bottom line was that I said Yes when I should have said No. I stayed too long and ignored the signals that it was time for a chapter to close. What do YOU need to release yourself from? The other meaning is that I am now crystal clear on my One Thing: Coaching mid-life women to live their personal brand of freedom and I will be messaging that in all of my spaces.
If that doesn’t work for you, unsubscribe, go forth and be well.
If it does, stick with me because I’m pumping up the volume and if you’re serious about making that change you’ve been craving, you will learn exactly how to make it happen. And invite other ‘Yes! I’m about that!’ women to join us on this journey.
Finally, My business is my purpose and my purpose is business. Businesses market and sell. I coach at all levels:
Free: this blog, my Facebook group (The Midlife Manifest),etc…
Dip your toe in: online masterclasses, vision board events, dancing events, book clubs, etc…
ALL IN!: My signature 6-month sistermind (formerly mastermind), Let That Sh#t Go! for midlife women who are ALL IN on finding and living their purpose.
So yes, there will be promoting and selling that serves women who want to make life change that lasts.
What’s your non-negotiable broken record message for your life? I’m ready to help you lock it down!