This is always spoken in a tone of foreboding, right? Patience, more money, new love. Be careful, because the troubles will come in order for you to receive it. It’s a feast or famine mentality that keeps us living small and supposedly safe.
I chose ‘systems’ as my word for the year because I ended last year on fumes and needed better organization for the back-end of my business. Whew! I hired a kick-A online business management group (The Launch Guild), and while transferring everything over to them to set up new work structures hasn’t been fun, I can already tell a difference in HOW I work. Their structures are forcing me to be more structured.
Schedules. Structures. Routines. I ran from these words because they didn’t represent freedom to me. I left the corporate grind to do what I
So, yes … I’m careful in what I ask for, not out of fear of the path to getting it, but in the assurance that it’s truly what I want. It’s this same kind of accountability that gets my clients what THEY want.
#LetThatShxtGo! #ItsYourTime #MidlifeManifest
P.S. Ready for what you’re asking for? Here are three paths to getting it: (Serious action-takers, go straight to #2!)
- Join The Midlife Manifest Group and connect with other women who are in midlife transition. This is my Facebook community where successful retire-to-thrive women learn how to get more ‘who I am’ clarity, stop living hijacked lives, and live in purpose with passion. Click here to join.
- Sign up for the Midlife Manifest Sistermind. I just kicked off my transformation that sticks program. If you’d like to learn what you need to do to make serious life changes in 2019, reply to this email with ‘I’m Ready’ in the subject line.
- Work with my team and me privately. If you’d like to work directly with my team and me to help you live a more passionate and FREE life, simply reply to this message and put “Private” in the subject line. Tell me a little about your life and what you’d like to work on together and I’ll get you all the details!