How are you? Really? What are you doing to take care of yourself? Those you love? There’s a lot of information flying around about COVID-19 and I do believe in staying informed, but this is not that. This is an invitation to join me this evening at 6pm CST to share tips and encouragement in staying calm through crisis.
I’m a huge believer in focusing on what we CAN control: our response… and choosing healthy responses is especially critical now. The meeting time is usually when I’m leading a local in-person meetup group, Midlife Woman Redefined, but because we’re honoring social distance, I decided to host it online instead of canceling it. Creativity springs from chaos. And this will be our focus this evening. If you can’t make it and would still like some encouragement, please email me. I’ll send you the tip sheet tomorrow.
Join us this evening by clicking the link below. If you’ve never used zoom before, make sure to click the link a few minutes early to install it on your desktop and join (it’s free!). You can also join the link from your phone or call in from a landline (you won’t have the video option from a landline). Oh, and you don’t have to be seen unless you want to be, so no dressing up or cleaning house required!
C.René Washington is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Midlife Woman Redefined Meeting
Time: Tuesday March 17th at 6:00pm CST
Join Zoom Meeting
https://zoom.us/j/575449297 (best one-click option to use with laptop, tablet or smartphone)
Meeting ID: 575 449 297
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Meeting ID: 575 449 297
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aKlk3a0i
#BraverBolderBetter #InThisTogether