I retired from my company two years before my official retirement date because everything in my being was telling me that chapter had closed, regardless of the corporation’s prescribed (and arbitrary) timeline.
Doing this resulted in my not getting retiree health (marrying a good government man took care of that LOL) and not becoming a member of the retiree group called Trailblazers. It’s a good group and one I don’t miss because,
I. Blaze. My. Own. Trails.
- I know who I am.
- I know what I want. Self-knowledge clearly connects me with what I want.
- I go get what I want.
- I do the foundational work to keep it. Free your mind and your ass will follow.
- Rinse. Repeat. Have fun. Trail blazed.
I don’t wait on anyone to throw me a party. (My 60th celebration is going to be one for the history books! Me + plus ten FAB girlfriends in Paris, the Dordogne Valley, and Marrakesh searching for Josephine Baker!!)
I don’t wait on anyone to go on a trip with me.
A rule is subject to be broken if it makes no sense to me.
I’m inspired by other trailblazers, but I stay focused on MY path.
When the going gets too tough, confusing or krazy, I get/hire help: coaching, therapy, medical.
I value me. I invest in me.
All of these ‘I’s’ open space for me to give my best to YOU.
So, how do you blaze a trail? By being and doing YOU.
#LetYourShxTGo! #MidlifeManifest
P.S. If you’re a trailblazer who needs a reset, I got you. See below.
- ReTREAT Yo Self! I’m leading TWO retreats in September!! One to New York City and one to Lisbon, Portugal!! Both retreats will be design-your-life focused and the jumpstart you need to GET MOVING! Because they include specially curated activities and one-to-one coaching, I’m only taking FIVE women per retreat and spaces have sold. If you’ve been on the fence about working with me, LEAP! My retreats are (proven) FAB opportunities to get quick life turnaround! Click here for details.
- Need coaching and want to talk about all your options, schedule a consult here.
- My podcast launches July 31st!!! Follow my Wednesday newsletter for behind-the-scenes details. What dreams are you sitting on? If you’re not on my email list, subscribe here to follow my path to dream realization.