Hello Beautiful!
Why am I always talking about letting your sh#t go? Because it’s biologically necessary for us to do so…on the regular…which makes it one of the best life metaphors for changing your mind to change your life.
“A mind is a terrible thing to waste.”
Not letting our mind-sh#t go leads to a wasted mind which leads to a less-than life.
I listened to a FB Live series on decluttering from the force of spirit that is Tamara Joy Scott and even though I’m a pretty vigilant declutterer, her message made me realize that I was holding on to some things out of fear not love.
Da suits! Da suits!
I have purposed to de-corporate-tize my brain and after a 27-year career that ain’t easy! But the more I move away from that structured mindset, the more I roll in my passion: coaching women to get out of their own way and live their personal brand of freedom.
Tamara’s message made me realize that I was subconsciously holding on to a few remaining suits in case I needed to go backwards. And I’ve done some corporate work and haven’t worn any of those suits! It’s not the suits, it’s what I was making them mean.
My ‘just in case’. My ‘don’t burn a bridge’. My plan B.
Well, I’m letting THAT sh#t go! I’m ALL in on this entrepreneurial journey. Plan B’s are good and I’m beyond grateful for those corporate years, but the safety net can compromise the full manifestation of our gifts. I thought about…
The look on the face of one of my L.T.S.G. program members who’s let so much mind-sh#t go...
The excitement in the voice of another L.T.S.G. member when she realized that the only person standing in the way of that big trip she wanted to take was her (she booked it!)…
All of the Aha’s that my retreaters experienced and are using to move themselves forward…
THIS is how I know that walking in your passion is not some Woo Woo thing, it’s a Real Talk/Purpose-in-Action thing!
So those suits are going to My Sister’s Closet.
And I will keep asking: What sh#t do you need to let go? What box (or ‘suits’) do you need to free yourself from?
The only block is YOU.
Ways To Work With Me
Mark your calendars for Thursday, September 20th! Let That Sh#t Go!, the MasterMind is open for registration. To apply for a seat and get full details , schedule a Discovery Call with me at ConnectWithRene.com. If you’re at that midlife What About Me? stage and you’re serious about reclaiming and redesigning your life, this 6-month program (based on my signature 9-box framework) is the answer.
In a mini-crisis and only need a one-time session? My new Mind-Set-Go hour of power is your brainstorming-to-solution choice! Click Mind-Set-Go.
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