As promised, here are the last ten Rene-isms (if you missed the first ten, click here). And if you’re ready to live your Best Life-isms, click here to see the work-with-me options. I’m only taking the Brave and the Bold who MUST get to their Better!
- Self-love is not selfish…it’s high octane fuel. Sitting on your dreams…THAT’s selfishness.
- Keep your Attention on your INtention.
- Money is simply an energy exchange. God has all the money.
- When I truly surrender, my life takes flight.
- What lights me up, illuminates my path. I follow love.
- A decision is a choice, not a life sentence. I can always change my mind.
- Everything good to do isn’t good for ME to do.
- Never be afraid to seek the mirror and look into the mirror. It’s ALL information.
- I’m not privy to God’s plan, and that makes life and death arbitrary in my limited vision. Therefore, I choose to dream and live in the NOW. And if I’m not dead, it’s not too late.
- Faith, Family, Friends…NOTHING is more important.
Bonus: Living in peace doesn’t negate speaking my piece.

P.S. Be sure to catch me on the free podcast, Midlife Woman Redefined, here. This week’s episode features friend and Renaissance Woman, Karen Beverly as part of my new series, Black Women In Love!

P.P.S. Birmingham surrounding area peeps, here’s a great opportunity to attend a FANTABULOUS women’s conference. It’s the Momentum biennial leadership conference March 11-12. Early-bird registration for this fantastic 2-day event ends TODAY, Jan. 5th. After that date, individual tickets go from $360 to $450!
Gwen Hall, Tonya Allen and moi will be leading one of the breakout sessions (The Feedback Factor) and we want to personally encourage you to attend Alabama’s largest leadership conference, open to professional women and men of any career level. Don’t. Miss. It!!