Where Your Expectation Goes…

“Well if you don’t know why, maybe I made the wrong decision.”

Those words were spoken to me early in my corporate career. I received a promotion and the department manager who promoted me asked me if I knew why he promoted me. I said, “Not really.”


I was rolling in false humility because I knew exactly why he selected me. I was a great employee and perfect for the role. But I didn’t know how to own that self-awareness then. I wanted great things to happen to and for me, but tamped down my expectations because what if something didn’t work out?

So what if it doesn’t??

“Where your expectation goes, your life will follow.” ~ Tamara Joy Scott

Doing mindset work with my clients and myself has shown me how much we trip over our own crap and live a less-than-what’s-possible life. And a lot of that connects to being afraid to believe we can have what we want and feeling safe in expecting less. Well, I’m done with that s%#t and hope you join me.

I’m expecting the best to happen to me AND I’m fine with feeling disappointment when it doesn’t. Trying to avoid pain when what’s on the other side of it is wonderful keeps me from the full experience of a life well-lived.


I expect to enjoy my days full tilt.

I expect to live a grand romance with Mr. Washington

I expect my programs to fill up with fabulous women. (Join my Design The Life You Love retreat to meet them!)

I expect to be healthy, wealthy, and wise.

I expect to meet Michelle and Barack Obama one day.

I love planning to expectation and intuitively following a nudging that ends up superceding expectation.

Where your expectation goes, your life will follow.

Enjoying the hell out of my journey… and I literally mean Enjoying. The. Hell. OUT. Of. My. Journey.

What are you expecting??


Ways to work with me:

It’s Decision Time for The Design The Life You Love Retreat!! Say YES to You and up-level your expectations. Here’s a little video message about it, https://youtu.be/2sQ_1oG4BxU

And Don’t miss the New Pricing! https://crenecoach.com/design-the-life-you-love-retreat/

The Let That S%#t Go! teleclass was a BIG SUCCESS and a new expanded version is coming. Stay tuned!

In a mini-crisis and only need a one-time session? My new Mind-Set-Go hour of power is your brainstorming to solution choice! https://crenecoach.com/work-with-me/ 

Have you downloaded my gift to you e-book? https://crenecoach.com/keep-it-movin-2/