Whew! A few days ago, I returned home from an epically spectacular 15-day celebration of my upcoming 60th birthday. I and (at varying points) 9-11 FAB girlfriends + one FAB friend’s FAB daughter, laughed, explored, ate, shopped, and remained in a constant state of amazement traveling through Paris, Sarlat, and Marrakech. Exhausted, Yes! And wonderfully forever changed. Too many highlights to detail to here, but best believe I’ll be talking about them for months to come. Indulge me. LOL
On March 30, 2017, I published the original blog titled Who Said. It featured the phenomenal Tao Porchon Lynch, the world’s oldest yoga teacher (101!!). My message was about ditching old paradigms that no longer serve you to flow freely in your unique desires.
One huge paradigm I ditched is thinking I have to always be comfortable to be happy. Yes, I have some foundational comfort requirements, but I’ve also learned that getting comfortable with being uncomfortable is the ticket for feeling F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) and doing The Thing anyway! I didn’t let F.E.A.R. keep me from…
- investing a year out in Tracey Friley Travel’s Josephine Baker-themed trip to France and Morocco…
- trusting that inviting my girlfriends to go with me on a two week trip would be well and end well (we’re already talking about the next adventure!)…
- planning my own birthday parade and party in Paris, a city I’d never visited (it was FANTABULOUS!)…
- hiring a band (recommended but still) unknown to me (they rocked it OUT!)…
- wearing a mini dress for that party (see pic above), driving an ATV, walking through streets during a holy feast day in which goat heads and bodies were being chopped, charred, and fleeced!

Recently, I saw this Zig Zigler quote,
“F-E-A-R has two meanings: ‘Forget Everything And Run’ or ‘Face Everything And Rise’. The choice is yours.”
This woman is RISING. And I want ya’ll to RISE with me! Who Said you can’t??
P.S. As you can see, I’m in over-the-top mode for this milestone birthday and if you’re a Woman Ready To Redefine and Rise, then…
- you want to jump on an over-the-top opportunity to be coached by me for 60 days at a ‘never coming again’ investment of $600!! I’m only taking 24 women (1959 birth year equals 24) and you must be qualified to be sure it’s a great fit for both of us. We start September 1 and end November 8. Respond ‘I’m Ready! to this email to get full details.
- listen to the new podcast, Midlife Woman Redefined for a weekly injection of how to Rise and Fly! Click here to listen and subscribe!