Desire Map Question Hour Recap

Hello Beautiful!

We had an engaged group of women attending the first question hour. (GRATEFUL!) As I said on the call, I’m on this desire mapping journey with you and I loved the circle of wisdom and encouragement we all experienced!

Here’s the link to the Question Hour Nuggets and a few exercises to help you nail down your CDF’s,

VISIONING! I love vision boards and some of you have attended my vision board workshops. In Thursday’s Question Hour, I’m going to share how you create a vision board for your Core Desired Feelings.

I love this exchange between spiritual teach Eckhart Tolle and Ms. O, because it speaks to what I believe: Most of us DO know what we want. We don’t believe we can have it or we don’t believe we’re worthy of having it.

Yes. We. Can.

Yes. We. Are.

Leaving you with another quote from one of our Desire Mappers,

“Rene this is awesome, learning so much already . Namely, get out of my feelings and do the work .” ~ Anita Renee



The Desire Map Question Hour!

It’s Question Hour Day!!

My ‘How Do You Want To Feel’ was sorely tested today (and really the past few weeks) with more tech issues that shut my site down, preventing me from sending this reminder until now.

It’s actually a great segue into this evening’s call. Someone had already asked me how Desire Mapping works when you feel under attack. Be sure to join the call to hear my response and ask YOUR questions.

Hope to see (or hear) you there!

Here’s the Question Hour link, 6:30pm – 7:30pm CST,

If you missed…

Session One, here’s the link,

Session Two link,

The Check-in link,

Join us in the Facebook group if that’s your jam, or email me,


The Desire Map Virtual Workshop – Session Three

Happy Hump Day, Desire Mappers!

I’m sending a zoom audio (5 minutes) with today’s highlights to familiarize you with zoom, if you haven’t used it before. I did video only because I looked a hot mess at the time I recorded it. LOL!

Today’s Highlights (from The Magnetics of Feelings chapter)

Desire Mapping brings the Woo, but there’s also a discipline component. We want Joyful Discipline. I’ve been having mega issues with my internet service and as frustrating as that’s been, I’m (mostly!) able to laugh about it because I’m passionate about my business.

“The surest sign that you’re working with the life-affirming kind of discipline, rather than the spirit-depressing kind, is that you don’t complain very much about doing what it takes.”

We are not our feelings. We can’t always choose WHAT happens to us, but we can choose how we feel about it. “Peace or worry. Gratitude or anger. It’s your choice.”

“Stay anchored to the desired feeling, and open to the form in which it manifests.” I had a client who after many years of waiting for Mr. Right, hesitated when he arrived because he didn’t look like what she expected and because he expressed his feelings for her quicker than the ‘should’ in her head. She quickly circled around to his being the partner she desired and they are having a blast together. Don’t let the package distract you from how you’re feeling.

Finally, I’m sharing my validating ‘how I want to feel’ moment: this lovely email from Nikki B.

“I’m loving the videos and the lessons. I’ve completed my first exercise. At first I was hesitant about starting, but then I realized that I was giving myself another excuse to be afraid. Every year I hear people make affirmations about the new year, but I’ve never done it. However, for some reason 2018 is resonating with me as being my year to “Glow Up” and I’m super excited.

So thank you for doing this series. I’m not on Facebook, but Your emails and YouTube videos are very helpful. Thank you Cheryl! If you only help one person, know that you are helping me…”

Yes! Nikki’s right. It’s Time to “Glow Up”!

Here’s the Question Hour link for Thursday 6:30pm – 7:30pm CST,

If you missed…

Session One, here’s the link,

Session Two link,

The Check-in link,

Join us in the Facebook group if that’s your jam, or email me,

Happy Desire Mapping!




Desire Map Session Two

Happy Tuesday, Desire Mappers! Hope it’s warm and cozy wherever you are!

Todays questions:

What lights you up?

What scares you?

In the book, The Crossroads of Should and Must (HIGHLY recommended!), the author says that before we can be free, we have to understand what keeps us from being free. That … “prison doesn’t have to be a physical place; it can be anything your mind creates… And just as you create your prison, you can set yourself free.”


How Do You Want To Feel?

The LIVE Question Hour is Thursday at 6:30pm CST. Join through this zoom link that gives you the choice to been seen and heard OR only heard,

In the meantime, join us in the Facebook group,

Happy Desire Mapping!

The Desire Map Virtual Workshop Check-in

Hello Beautiful!

Quick (1 minute) video check-in on how you’re doing,

Pay Attention.

Pay attention to what lights you up.

Pay attention to what energizes you.

Pay attention to what drains or weighs you down.

It’s ALL information pointing you towards your Core Desired Feelings.

Here’s a sheet of feeling word squares that you can print out to feel what resonates. You can also write your own words on the back. Carry them with you to help with paying attention.

Join me in the Facebook group if that’s your jam, or email me, 

If you missed Session One, here’s the link,

Happy Desire Mapping!


The Desire Map Virtual Workshop – Session 1 (1/14/18)

Hello Beautiful!

As promised, here’s your first video to get you started,  (10 minutes).

Annnndddd….There’s a facebook page where I’ll be posting daily to provide more support. Join here,

Want the written backup? Read below. Treat yourself by setting aside 30 minutes to an hour to answer these questions in a beautiful journal while sitting in your favorite chair.

Start Where You Are:

  • Check in with your thoughts about goal setting and allow yourself to remain open to the process.
  • What are your top desires? Most people want more time or more money. What’s the feeling behind your desires? Do you really need more… or better management of what you have? (There’s no right or wrong.)
  • What’s stopping you from getting what you want?
  • Have you ever strived for something and didn’t feel very fulfilled when you got it?

Warm-Up Exercise: Three Sentences

  • My favorite feelings are…?
  • I’m worried about…?
  • I’m proud of…?

Self Compassion Exercise

  • How do others help me?
  • How do I help others? How do I feel when I help others?
  • What do I know to be true about me, about what I’m capable of?

Most of us are compassionate beings. Do you extend the compassion you show for others to yourself? As they instruct on flights, “Put on your own oxygen mask first.” If you can’t breathe, you can’t help anyone else breathe!

As you begin to determine your Core Desired Feelings, this list of feeling words may be helpful,

Read the Declaration of Deserving below, out loud. Substitute ‘I’ for ‘you’.

By Danielle LaPorte
 You are worthy of your desires. Really wanting what you want gives you the
power to get it. You were born free. (The more you try to earn your freedom,
the more trapped you become.) You are worthy of love and respect. Lovable.
You deserve:
eye contact,
smiles in the morning,
food made with pure intention,
clean drinking water,
fresh air,
Hello, Please, Thank you,
time to think about it,
a chance to show them what you’re made of,
a second chance,
an education,
health care, including dental,
multiple orgasms,
weekends off,
eight hours of sleep,
play before work,
to change your mind,
to say no,
to say yes,
to have your deepest needs met,
to be seen,
to be loved for who you really are.
You deserve all of this — and more — just because you showed up to life.
P.S. Here’s the zoom link for Thursday’s Question Hour, I’ll send a reminder Wednesday with detailed instructions.
 P.P.S. Trying the musical link again! Happy Feelings by Maze,

How Do You Want To Feel? It’s Your Time!

“Discover by following your desire, even if that desire is faint or seems as likely as a chocolate factory, or maybe the Easter Bunny himself, in the middle of the desert. It’s real. It’s there for a reason. Use desire as a compass, and do not concern yourself with how it could ever happen. If you really want to grow and experience all that life can offer you, let go of calculation. This is a path of revelation. It’s the journey of becoming who you did not know you could become.” ~ Life Coach Tama Kieves

Hello Beautiful!

It’s Desire Mapping Time! The Question of the Month is “How Do I Want To Feel?”  We’re often taught to dismiss feelings because they’re temporal…flighty…not to be trusted. That can be true. What’s also true is that we are ALWAYS Feeling. And we can FEEL a certain kind of way based on what we DO.

Desire Mapping connects you to the Core Desired Feelings (CDF’s) you want to experience most of the time and shows you how to start from there to determine what Actions you need to take to generate those feelings. It’s about intentionally generating feeling states.

This photo of me is a fave. It’s a selfie I took during my retreat last year. Beautiful location (St. Petersburg, FL) with a fab group of women who were loving their retreat experience. I was IN MY FLOW, could see it in my face, and snapped the evidence as a reminder. THIS is how I want to feel in my business! And that directs what I DO in and for my business.

Tomorrow, you’ll get the first video message from me with an assignment. If you’ve downloaded the book and audio and gotten started, YAY! If you haven’t, YAY! This is meant to be a very fluid process on your terms and timeline…not a burden.

The Details:

What: Virtual Desire Mapping

When: January 13th – February 1st

1/18… Desire Map Question Hour 6:30pm – 7:30pm CST (me answering your questions about the process and providing on the spot coaching.)

1/25… Desire Map Question Hour 6:30pm – 7:30pm CST

2/1… Desire Map Goal Mapping 6:30pm – 8:30 pm CST (join this session to learn how to use your CDF’s to create your goals for the year)

How: I will send exercise sheets and short videos that walk you through Desire Mapping each week. You’ll complete the exercises on your own and join the weekly Desire Map Question Hour if you need assistance. The final call on February 1st will be a 2-hour session on setting goals based on your Core Desired Feelings (CDF’s).

How To Participate:

* Download (it’s still FREE!) or purchase The Desire Map Guide…go at your own pace.
* Mark your calendars for the Question Hours and the Goal Mapping Session.
* Set your INTENTION to carve out the time and focus to show up for yourself in this process.
* Join the calls to get assistance.
* You’ll get zoom recordings of the Question Hours and Goal Mapping Session to stay in the loop.

Can’t join the calls? Email your questions prior to the meeting date, I’ll answer them during the call, and you’ll get the recording,

Free guide/audio download

Purchase guide

Here’s the iTunes link to my audio download,

Finally, here’s some musical inspiration to get you going,




An Always Timely Reminder

Hello Beautiful!

Regardless of how well or how little I knew the person, death is always a reminder for me to LIVE! I’m sharing the words of Holly Butcher, a young woman whose wisdom (thankfully yet sadly) lives beyond her time on earth.

“…You might have got caught in bad traffic today, or had a bad sleep because your beautiful babies kept you awake, or your hairdresser cut your hair too short. Your new fake nails might have got a chip, your boobs are too small, or you have cellulite on your arse and your belly is wobbling.

Let all that shit go. I swear you will not be thinking of those things when it is your turn to go. It is all SO insignificant when you look at life as a whole.

Also, remember if something is making you miserable, you do have the power to change it – in work or love or whatever it may be. Have the guts to change. You don’t know how much time you’ve got on this earth so don’t waste it being miserable. I know that is said all the time but it couldn’t be more true…”  Read the full letter here,

P.S. I’m not opposed to complaining, venting, or even the occasional pity party. There are health benefits to releasing frustration, depending on HOW you do it. NOT taking Action to Change what frustrates us is where we mess up.

We can change our mind, change the thing, or both. We ALWAYS have a choice.


c.René Washington

Master Certified Life Coach

Listen, Defy, Do

Hello Beautiful!

Ohhhh, This quote!  I’ve defied logic a few times in my life (ok, maybe more than a few!) and sometimes  admittedly could have benefited from relying on a little more logic instead of defying it. LOL! Mostly though, I was defying limiting beliefs and expectations.

What I know for sure:


Following my instinct…my first right mind, or what I now refer to as my Spiritual GPS…Is my go-to practice for landing where I want to be. The mistakes on the journey were (are!) educational detours that taught (teach!) me how to recognize  ‘getting in my own way’ patterns and how to Let That S%#t Go!

I learned how to do that for myself and I show clients how they can do it to FINALLY  get what they crave: work they love, flipping  soul-draining relationships to soul-sustaining, starting that passion project, more Me Time, or ______.

If this quote resonates with you, don’t ignore it. Schedule a strategy call with me and let’s talk about what you can DO.

And don’t forget…Desire Mapping starts January 13th . Click here for details,


How Do You Want To Feel? (Don’t Miss This!)

Hello Beautiful! As promised in my previous blog, I’m guiding you through the Desire Map process of setting goals and making decisions from the inside out. And I LOVE when I set an intention and I get validation:

Danielle LaPorte, the Desire Map creator is giving away the e-book and audio version of the Desire Map book! YAY!! Click this link and grab it fast. The Desire Map Bundle. You’ll want it for working through creating your Core Desired Feelings and Goals. If you’re a hard copy fan, you can purchase it on Amazon, The Desire Map: A Guide To Creating Goals With Soul.

Free Book + Free Coaching = an ‘I would be krazy not to!’ opportunity to set your year on the track to Happyland!

The Details:

What: Virtual Desire Mapping

When: January 13th – February 1st

1/18… Desire Map Question Hour 6:30pm -7:30pm CST

1/25… Desire Map Question Hour 6:30pm – 7:30pm CST

2/1… Desire Map Goal Mapping 6:30pm – 8:30 pm CST

How: I will send exercise sheets and short videos that walk you through Desire Mapping each week starting 1/13. You’ll complete the exercises on your own and join the weekly Desire Map Question Hour if you need assistance. The final call on February 1st  will be a 2-hour session on setting goals based on your Core Desired Feelings (CDF’s).

What You Need To Do To Participate…

  • Download or purchase The Desire Map Guide (you don’t have to read it all before we start.
  • Mark your calendars for the Question Hours and the Goal Mapping Session
  • Set your INTENTION to carve out the time and focus to show up for yourself in this process
  • I saw the Vision Word Board below on a friend’s facebook page and thought it would be great to do for our Desire Map CDF’s. Your board can be anything you want (poster, wood, etc.). I’ll be sending feelings words that you’ll use to choose your CDF’s and they can also be used for your board or you can create your own.
  • Join the calls to get assistance.
  • If you’re unable to join the Question Hours or Goal Mapping Session, No Worries! I’m sharing the zoom recordings so you can stay in the loop. Email your questions prior to the meeting date and I’ll answer them during the call,
  • I’d love to know how many of you plan to participate. Shoot me an email telling me that too! And feel free to invite your friends to join the fun.


I hope I covered everything, but don’t hesitate to ask any questions you have. Let’s get about the business of Feeling Gooooood!