cReneCoach…The Weekly Wind Down

Sunday Greetings!

I love the English language. There are 55 variations in meaning of the word ‘wind’. Fifty-five!

The title reference is to this one: “to calm down; relax.”

Catching you up on good stuff going on in my world…

MARK YOUR CALENDARS and start saving your $$ for the Desire Map Retreat**, April 26-29, 2018!! Based on your survey feedback and some intuitive nudging, I moved it to next year. Will have location/cost/deposit info soon and if you want to be on the first to know list, respond to this email.

This week I had the privilege of working a FAB retreat as one of the coaches for MOMENTUM, the phenomenal leadership program for executive women. I’m convinced that the more women gather, connect, and grow their unique brand of personal power in these types of spaces, the better this world will be.

I love stretching my boundaries while also honoring them. And I’m THRILLED that Bestie Lucy aka Sharon Sherrod is my partner in HIGH FUN and MISS-No-ADVENTURE! The pics are from our wading in the creek and grape stomp experiences. Stay tuned, we’re planning a podcast! 💃🏽🎤

It’s finally here! This is the week a group of forward-thinking, action-taking women start Your Next Move, the tele-class for women to create their plan for getting work they love OR their after-career  chapter. 🙌🏾

Would love to hear what’s going on with you! Hope your week is ending well and the upcoming one will be what you need it to be. Don’t know about you, but I’m feeling a little like I’m living 55 variations of Myself. LOL! Feeling a a desire to simplify… mainly as it connects to my business. Becoming more focused and intentional about how and where I expend that energy.

What about you? How many variations are you juggling?

** The Desire Map is a holistic approach to life planning that uses your core desired feelings as the guidance system for your goal setting and goal completion. Want to know more? Schedule a free 30-minute consult,