Time To Cut My Hair!

Whenever I say I’ve GOTTA get a haircut, people look at me side-eyed. They don’t get how what they see as a practically bald head could be an issue. But, for me that small bit of extra hair feels like a weight I need to drop. So clip clip!

One of the first coaching tools I learned was ending TOLERATIONS. You know, those naggy things that drag you down in small and big ways:

– the junky closet you keep meaning to clear out

– that dent in your car

– the job you’ve outgrown

The coaching exercise is to list 100 of your tolerations. Sounds like a lot, right? Once you get in the noticing groove, though, you’ll be amazed at just how many things you’re allowing to go unaddressed. The win is that you develop the habit of noticing and ditching more quickly the crap you don’t want to carry. And that opens up space for more of what you do want in your life.

My challenge to you is to start with five small ones. XTRA bonus points if you email me your list. I’ll hold accountability with you for 30 days to drop them. My five:

– expired driver’s license: renew!

– plastic food containers: replace with glass containers.

– unmade bed: make the bed every morning (helps me set a better productivity mindset).

– cluttered book shelf: give away the books I’ll never get around to reading.

– constant device connection:  implement device-free hours and stick to them.

Whew! I feel a little lighter already. You in??

P.S. A group of ‘be about my business’ women are starting my Your Next Move teleclass tomorrow evening and committing to ending their toleration of job dissatisfaction or next chapter confusion. There are a few spaces left. Don’t keep tolerating what you can change. Join us, https://crenecoach.com/your-next-move/

P.P.S. Prefer working with me one-on-one, schedule a free 30-minute consult to discuss, http://crenecoach.acuityscheduling.com/