Midlife Manifest Fifties Wisdom Week 8: The Collateral Benefit of Putting Self First

Hello Beautiful!

Wow! Well over 1000 women (and counting) have come on board for the Midlife Manifest revolution!! And almost to a woman, the number one reason for joining is because you’re ready to put yourself first after years of coming in at the bottom of your list. Right behind that is being so focused on other people, you’ve lost who YOU are and you feel selfish about wanting to change that.

PLEASE…Let That ShXt Go!

When you flow in the energy of freedom in purpose, calling, or mission…your manifesting dust will fall on others in ways that will surprise you. A few examples of my collateral benefit experience:

  • Found out a young woman I hired to do my makeup for a video recording session, had a daily a four hour round trip commute because she hadn’t found an apartment. Got her some good options from some young women her age.
  • Set my retreat workshop in a glassblowing art gallery and included a glassblowing class which just happened to be a dream come true experience for one of the attendees.
  • A group I joined to network, started a new program for early career leaders and a young woman I mentor was accepted in the inaugural class!

I have more examples, including what I’ve seen through my clients. Manifesting your dreams can expand your reach AND expand it in ways you truly find meaningful, not forced.

Next week hundreds of women are stepping up to the challenge…my free Let That ShXt Go, Reclaim Your Life and Thrive challenge! Five days of connecting to your soul’s desire and the path to getting it.

Are you in?? Yes! YAYYYY!!

No?? FIX THAT NOW by clicking here

You can keep dithering and complaining or you can stand up for your life!

Choose the life you envision.


I’m on a trek to 60, sharing what I’ve learned during my fifties. Subscribe here to follow me.

Want to become more familiar with who I am? Listen to my interview on The AfterLife podcast. Such a great experience! Click here

I was blindsided by menopause in my mid-forties and wish I’d known FAB sister coach, Kwavi Agbeyegbe. If you struggle with what should be an amazing life transition and want a holistic approach, Kwavi’s got you covered. Check out her Pause For Menopause masterclass, here. (I get nothing for sharing this.)