Scare Yo Self!

Hellooooo, Everybody!

I’m an admitted personality test fanatic. The media versions used to be pretty transparent in how to skew a result, but recent ones seem to be more credible and accurate… and they’re always fun. I took one called, Which Female Archetype Are You? and got (in high to lower % order): Warrior/Queen/Maiden/Wise Woman.

Topping out with Warrior surprised me because the scared zone has been my lane All My Life.

Yep, my biggest opponent has been myself or rather the limited version of me my lizard brain wants me to be. I constantly battle ‘You can’t’…, ‘You shouldn’t’…, ‘That’s not for you.’ thoughts. Thankfully, since I’ve been in this war since teen-hood, my turn to the free yo self lane happens a little quicker.

My trick for The Lizard? Instead of trying to banish her (which makes her fight harder to be heard), I’ve adopted her as my friend. She’s trying to send help that I rarely need. I acknowledge that, say thanks but no thanks and send her on her not-so-merry way.

So, YESSSS, I’m a Warrior and a Queen/Maiden/Wise Woman too!! I fight to live the life I envision, even if I have to fight myself. And the dividends keep paying off! This week in cReneCoach-land:

  • I completed a ‘scare yo self’ challenge of doing 5 consecutive FB live videos (stay tuned, I’ll be doing Freedom Friday Live on FB each week!)
  • I applied and was chosen as one of two BARE coaches to manage the FB page for the BARE Daily membership community.
  • The first book discussion (Freedom Seeker by Beth Kempton) for my new virtual book club (renamed The Freedom Chronicles) was a great success! Next book will be in September.
  • I’m one of the workshop presenters for a FAB women’s conference called Be Golden, with headliner Awesomely Luvvie, who’s been on my ‘want to meet’ list! Would love for you to join me, Use code GOLDEN for an additional $400 discount thru 8/31.
  • The beautiful abstract painting series above (Strength to Love) by artist, Shauna Meiri, was “deeply inspired” by a line from one of my posts, “the goal is not perfection, the goal, is love”. Whattttttt????!!!!! Blew. Me. Away.
  • I created a ‘loads of good stuff’ teleclass, Your Next Move, to help people be as happy about work as I am that starts 8/8/17. If you’re unhappy at work…if you’re reading this with the dread of Monday in the back of your mind,  It’s Time for you to Stop That! by joining this group.

We can ALL be warriors…for ourselves, for those we love, for our passions. Acknowledge your fear and keep stepping unless there’s a ‘real danger’ reason not to. The Joy of Freedom is on the other side of scary.

Scare Yo Self.

You never know who you might inspire.

P.S. Want to learn your female archetypes? Click here,