Time To Cut My Hair!

Whenever I say I’ve GOTTA get a haircut, people look at me side-eyed. They don’t get how what they see as a practically bald head could be an issue. But, for me that small bit of extra hair feels like a weight I need to drop. So clip clip!

One of the first coaching tools I learned was ending TOLERATIONS. You know, those naggy things that drag you down in small and big ways:

– the junky closet you keep meaning to clear out

– that dent in your car

– the job you’ve outgrown

The coaching exercise is to list 100 of your tolerations. Sounds like a lot, right? Once you get in the noticing groove, though, you’ll be amazed at just how many things you’re allowing to go unaddressed. The win is that you develop the habit of noticing and ditching more quickly the crap you don’t want to carry. And that opens up space for more of what you do want in your life.

My challenge to you is to start with five small ones. XTRA bonus points if you email me your list. I’ll hold accountability with you for 30 days to drop them. My five:

– expired driver’s license: renew!

– plastic food containers: replace with glass containers.

– unmade bed: make the bed every morning (helps me set a better productivity mindset).

– cluttered book shelf: give away the books I’ll never get around to reading.

– constant device connection:  implement device-free hours and stick to them.

Whew! I feel a little lighter already. You in??

P.S. A group of ‘be about my business’ women are starting my Your Next Move teleclass tomorrow evening and committing to ending their toleration of job dissatisfaction or next chapter confusion. There are a few spaces left. Don’t keep tolerating what you can change. Join us, https://crenecoach.com/your-next-move/

P.P.S. Prefer working with me one-on-one, schedule a free 30-minute consult to discuss, http://crenecoach.acuityscheduling.com/


cReneCoach…The Weekly Wind Down

Sunday Greetings!

I love the English language. There are 55 variations in meaning of the word ‘wind’. Fifty-five!

The title reference is to this one: “to calm down; relax.”

Catching you up on good stuff going on in my world…

MARK YOUR CALENDARS and start saving your $$ for the Desire Map Retreat**, April 26-29, 2018!! Based on your survey feedback and some intuitive nudging, I moved it to next year. Will have location/cost/deposit info soon and if you want to be on the first to know list, respond to this email.

This week I had the privilege of working a FAB retreat as one of the coaches for MOMENTUM, the phenomenal leadership program for executive women. I’m convinced that the more women gather, connect, and grow their unique brand of personal power in these types of spaces, the better this world will be.

I love stretching my boundaries while also honoring them. And I’m THRILLED that Bestie Lucy aka Sharon Sherrod is my partner in HIGH FUN and MISS-No-ADVENTURE! The pics are from our wading in the creek and grape stomp experiences. Stay tuned, we’re planning a podcast! 💃🏽🎤

It’s finally here! This is the week a group of forward-thinking, action-taking women start Your Next Move, the tele-class for women to create their plan for getting work they love OR their after-career  chapter. 🙌🏾

Would love to hear what’s going on with you! Hope your week is ending well and the upcoming one will be what you need it to be. Don’t know about you, but I’m feeling a little like I’m living 55 variations of Myself. LOL! Feeling a a desire to simplify… mainly as it connects to my business. Becoming more focused and intentional about how and where I expend that energy.

What about you? How many variations are you juggling?

** The Desire Map is a holistic approach to life planning that uses your core desired feelings as the guidance system for your goal setting and goal completion. Want to know more? Schedule a free 30-minute consult, http://crenecoach.acuityscheduling.com/.



Hi Ya’ll!

Happy Friday, Ya’ll!

I’m working out of town and sharing an oldy-but-goody blog from 1/18/17. Do something good for yourself this weekend!!

I’m posting this because I made a commitment to myself to release a blog every week. And as we know, commitments made to ourselves are more easily broken than those we make to others. A few weeks ago, I stayed up until 3am making a cheesecake for a friend of a friend because I’d promised her one by the next day. A friend of a friend who would have been fine getting it a day or two later. But commitments I made to myself to…

sleep more

eat well

move more

promote my business…

were easily rationalized away or put off until…wait for it…TOMORROW.

Not anymore. This is a not a New Year’s resolution.

It’s treating myself with the same respect I treat others.

It’s being good to me.

It’s living my life on purpose.

I had good reason to justify taking a posting break: a family matter rightly consumed most of my time this week. Sometimes, though, a reason becomes an excuse.

“There is always enough time. One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone’s excuse is ‘I didn’t have time.’ From getting important work done to texting someone back, you always have time if it matters.” …author Kim Stolz

Don’t ‘reason’ yourself out of keeping promises you make to yourself…out of doing what matters. If you would do it for someone else, DO IT FOR YOURSELF!

Not sure what that looks like, schedule a free 30-minute coaching consult to determine if I can help you figure that out, http://crenecoach.acuityscheduling.com/

Be A Bird Brain

Hello Lovely!

It’s September. We made it. Seriously. If you’re reading this, you’re still on this side of heaven with the opportunity to do what you do. And I truly hope it’s what you WANT to be doing.

The suffering and devastation that’s occurring in Houston from Harvey (and the new threat to the east coast from Irma) causes us to rally to help people we don’t personally know, hug our loved ones closer, and take a (often temporary) reprieve from taking life for granted.

Never mind, that Every Day All Day, tragedy is occurring somewhere to someone.

I attended a wedding earlier this summer and found out today that one of the groomsmen, a 24-year old man, was struck and killed by lightning while walking with his friends on a Florida beach!

My life experience (unexpected illness, death, and life transition) has molded me to put off as little as possible. The blog title comes from an article I read about birds being much smarter than previously believed and how being tagged ‘bird brain’ is far from an insult. This line in particular, struck me:

“Birds will wait for better. But if you give our gray parrot…the better treat first, he’ll look at you for about a second as of to say, ‘What, are you kidding? I’m not waiting for a worse treat.’ Then he’ll grab it.”

Many of us are presented with a great treat (an exciting work opportunity, a travel adventure, a new relationship), but we let fear or the fallacy of holding out for ‘better’ keep us from experiencing the right-now-treat.

Life is arbitrary. Stop Waiting. Be a bird brain.