I was having problems recording an episode of the Midlife Woman Redefined podcast and contacted my editor for assistance. He told me that I needed to install the latest MAC system upgrade and when I tried doing that, I got the message that I didn’t have enough bandwidth for my upgrade. (the tech gremlins love torturing me and Still I Persist! LOL)
Woooooo Sa! That immediately hit me as a life and coaching metaphor because to increase my bandwidth, I had to
Helloooo! I know this is clicking for you as it did for me (Mavens are smart!) and I have two questions for you:
What and Who do you need to delete to get more bandwidth for your life upgrade?
What or Who is stopping you from doing it? (This Who is YOU boo!)

Ready to bust through your fears and get that upgrade? Here’s how I can help:
- The Midlife Woman Redefined podcast is your (free!) weekly mini coaching session that’s all things Life Goals. Subscribe here.
- I have space to coach a few more women through leaving your shxt in 2019 and sailing strong into 2020, but jump quickly! This offer ends Sunday November 24th. Click here for your life change.
- One of my clients shared this wonderful article on what self-care really is about and it’s the perfect guide for tamping down holiday stress. Click here. Thank you, Wendy Greene!
- Live in the Birmingham, AL area?? Come to the Midlife Woman Redefined Meetup! We meet monthly on the third Tuesday of the month and it’s happening Tuesday 11/19 at 6pm. Click here for meeting details.
- Treat Yo Self!! I’ll be sharing this fave video clip through the rest of the year for more self-care inspiration…and do it often, not just once a year! Click here.