Hello Beautiful!
That’s right. You need a divorce but, don’t worry. I’m not telling you to leave your partner. I am telling you to leave your attachment to outcome.
Every behavior results in a consequence. Even doing nothing is consequential so, I’m not suggesting that you shouldn’t have any expectations about results. I’m referring to a tunnel-vision focus on a particular outcome that keeps us on the struggle bus and blocks our best path to getting what we want.
Have you heard someone say (or experienced yourself), “Losing that job was the best thing that could have happened to me!” Why? Because getting fired or laid off cleared the path for them to stop clinging to what was wrong for them and to get moving toward what was right for them.
Holding on for dear life seems like the right thing to do because:
- It’s a ‘good job’.
- This relationship is better than being alone.
- I’ve invested a lot of time and money to get here.
One of my clients left her good job, started her own business and was highly successful her first year in. She was very grateful, but knew something was still missing. Once again, she explored her options, staying tuned in to what intuitively felt right, not what appeared to be right. Hallelujah! She landed in a partnership that hits all of her quality of life markers and lights her up in the best way.
Did she question herself on going through all of the machinations of starting a business (her original desired outcome) then closing it relatively quickly? Yep!
Did she believe she was ‘til death us do part’ tied to her original said outcome? I’m her coach so, nope!
Are you with me? Here’s how to divorce your ‘I feel stuck’ outcome and marry your BEST outcome:
1. Get crystal clear on your ideal life.
2. Identify and manage the mindset blocks that are keeping you from that life you crave. Let that S%#t go!
3. Move, Pivot, Get Still, Move, Pay Attention, Course-Correct, Move.
4. Ask for help. Invest in help.
5. Live Your Life!
Next week I’m doing a Free Live Webinar on what blocks us from living our dream life, The 7 Deadly DreamLife Blockers. I’ve highlighted some above. Join me for the rest. I’d LOVE your support because it’s MY FIRST WEBINAR! Here’s the link. Click it to register yourself and share it with others. It’s MY FIRST WEBINAR and I want to feel ALL The Love! 😊

Unbuttered popcorn is my jam. Yes, I said No butter! I wore out my faithful air popper, bought a new (and different) one and it’s the bomb.corn! In two minutes, you get crunchy yummy popcorn (and the unpopped kernels can be re-popped). Check out the Powerwave Popper, here.
Enjoy an On and Poppin’ week!